Monday, February 14, 2011


I love Matthew 28:20b.  I love when Jesus tells his disciples, and us, "and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world."  It's comforting.  It's perpetual. It's not will be, not would be, not can be...but am.

On a side note, what's up with "alway" as opposed to "always"?  Modern translations seem to add the "s."  But I kind of like the awkward and antique feel of "alway," don't you?


  1. "alway."it works as in "always" and as in "all the way." good both ways.

  2. Did you ever sing that simple little canon (I'm humming it, can you hear?)
    The Lord is my shepherd, I'll walk with him alway
    He leads by still waters, I'll walk with him alway
    Alway, Alway, I'll walk with him alway
    Alway, Alway, I'll walk with him alway.

    I had completely forgotten that little tune until you mentioned "alway" and it came flooding into my head! (And now of course it's stuck there) Isn't the mind amazing?

  3. I thought of the same song! I remember being thrown by the "alway" as a kid. I think to be dumb we used to sing "hall ways, hall ways, I'll walk with him hall ways." Hadn't thought about that song in a long time. But I do love that verse in Matthew so very much.
